Novel oral drug delivery strategies and applications


嘉 宾:汪卓博士,博士生导师,助理教授(tenure track Assistant Professor)


题 目: Novel oral drug delivery strategies and applications

时 间: 2014年11月21日(周五)下午2:00-3:00

地 点: 新威尼斯v0008独墅湖校区403-3120,学术活动室

邀请人:生物化学与分子生物学系 苏雄教授


汪卓博士1998年毕业于北京大学化学系;2003年美国杜克大学化学系分析化学专业博士,师从 Dr. Michael Fitzgerald;2011年起任美国堪萨斯大学(The University of Kansas)药学院药学化学系(Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry) 终身制助理教授。堪萨斯大学药学院在所有美国药学院校里综合排名前十,若干单项名列前茅。汪卓博士以PI身份获得过多项包括NIH R01在内的美国联邦科研资助。



Ø  Modulation of intercellular junctions to improve oral delivery of therapeutic agents

This project aims to develop novel intercellular junction modulators to improve gut absorption (and brain delivery) of drugs for the treatment of parasitic infectious diseases and other brain disorders and tumors. 本课题研究通过对细胞连接的调控来增加药物的肠道吸收和大脑分布,其最终目标是促进原生寄生虫传染病,脑部疾病,包括脑肿瘤的治疗。

Ø  Drug induction and drug interaction studies involving CYP4F enzymes

CYP4F enzymes have a variety of endogenous lipid substrates, some of which play important roles in cardiovascular system, e.g. coagulation and hypertension. This study aims to understand the physiological role of CYP4F enzymes and a clinical significant drug interaction involving CYP4F enzymes.  本课题主要研究CYP4F 的生理作用及以CYP4F 为中心的药物诱导和药物相互作用。

Ø  Targeted quantitative proteomic approach to characterize drug transporters and drug metabolizing enzymes

Drug disposition involves a myriad of enzymes and transporters that, in some cases, are difficult to quantify specifically and accurately. We employ a targeted quantitative proteomic approach to study these enzymes and transporters in biological samples, which will facilitate biomarker development and understanding of interindividual variability in drug response.  本课题是用质谱方法对药物代谢酶和药物运转体进行量化分析。该方法最终能应用于临床诊断和药物反应个体差异的研究。

Ø  Drug discovery and development for neglected tropical diseases, e.g. human African trypanosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis

Dr. Wang is a member of the Consortium for Parasitic Drug Development (CPDD), originally funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, dedicated to the development of novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases. 汪卓教授是CPDD的成员之一。CPDD是由Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation资助,致力于热带寄生虫疾病的药物研发的组织。

Ø  Anticancer and cancer-preventive strategies by targeting the tumor-specific CYP1B1

    CYP1B1 is over-expressed in multiple solid tumors. This project aims to develop specific CYP1B1 inhibitors and CYP1B1-activated prodrugs. Herb-derived CYP1B1 inhibitors are being investigated as cancer-preventive agent.  本课题是以CYP1B1 为目标的抗癌药物和癌症预防药物的研究。汪卓教授尤其致力于以中草药提取物为癌症预防药物的研究。