学术报告: 干细胞衰老与早老症


报告题目: Resveratrol rescues adult stem cell decline and extends lifespan in laminopathy-based progeria(干细胞衰老与早老症)

报告人: 刘宝华博士

报告时间:  2011年11月09日(周三)下午2:00

报告地点:  新威尼斯v0008独墅湖校区医学楼403-3119会议室


刘宝华,男,1976年9月出生,2007 年于香港大学医学院获得博士学位,现任香港大学医学院任职助理教授(研究),兼任香港大学深圳研究院副研究员。


1.  Liu B*, Liu X, Wang Z, Zhou Z*, et al. Resveratrol rescues adult stem cell decline and alleviates progeroid features in laminopathy-based progeria. Submitted to Cell Stem Cell. (Under peer-review).*共同通訊作者. IF@2010,25.943.

2.  Kar B, Liu B, Zhou Z, and Lam YW. Quantitative nucleolar proteomics reveals nuclear re-organization during stress- induced senescence in mouse fibroblast. BMC Cell Biology 2011, 12:33 doi:10.1186/1471-2121-12-33. IF@2010, 2.464.

3.  Krishnan V, Liu B, Zhou Z. DNA repair in human diseases and aging. DNA repair. (Book chapter).

4.  Krishnan V, Chow MZY, Wang Z, Zhang L, Liu B, Liu X, and Zhou Z. Histone H4 lysine 16 hypoacetylation is associated with defective DNA repair and premature senescence in Zmpste24-deficient progeria mice. PNAS 2011 Jul 26;108(30):12325-30. IF@2010, 9.771.

5.  Jin G, Zhang F, Chan KM, Wong HL, Liu B, Cheah KSE, Liu X, Mauch C, Liu D and Zhou Z. MT1-MMP inhibits Notch signaling to maintain normal B cell development. EMBO Journal 2011; 30(11):2281-93. IF@2010, 10.124.

6.  Liu B, Zhou Z. Lamin A/C, laminopathies and premature ageing. Histology and Histopathology 2008 Jun; 23(6):747-63. IF@2010, 2.502.

